Sharing DJ Mixes
New service for Djs
You are young DJ or you are professional producer? And you do not know where you can still place your mixes? Then you to us. Our service will help you in promoting your name and your material on the global electronic music scene. Your mix will be next to the most popular DJs in the world. You will find out.

To order a guest posting on our website you just need to fill out a short form and wait for a response from the administration. If your mix is recorded qualitatively and he is 320 kpbs, we will contact you without fail and within a few minutes of your mix will be posted on the main page of our website.
For webmasters
Buy Dofollow ArticleIn order to start the guest posting please use the form:
Carefully fill in all fields. Fill in the captcha - it is necessary for the security. Carefully fill in all fields. Enter the captcha - this is required for security. Submit your order and after verification by the administration you will be able to pay for it.
Price per 1 DJ mix 1.19$

What would you use the order form you need to SignIn (use form below). If don't have account please SignUp Since the order is tied to your account on the site and you will see your orders in your personal account. There you will be able to monitor the status of the order.